Sunday 21 June 2015

Mindfulness meditation is a key to healthy mind

Meditation has been around for thousands of years and has lived all this time as it works. Recent studies suggest that a lot of medication centres are helping individuals with mindfulness meditation as it improves decision making and wellness. It is a practice which mainly aims at clearing one’s mind. It is achieved by sitting silently and focusing on the feeling of breathing.

With meditation, the physiology undergoes a change and every cell in the body is filled with more energy. This results is joy, peace, enthusiasm as the level of energy in the body increases. It is a technique used sometimes to cultivate awareness of the present moment as opposed to dwelling upon the past scenarios. Mindfulness is also linked with reduced stress, anger and negative emotions, and also with increased happiness and well-being. All these things are thought to influence decision making.

Meditation is a powerful tool. It can reduce pain, improve memory and hone focus. Individuals who are associated with meditation centres are always in praise of this wonderful activity or art. According to them, they have noticed a lot of changes in well-being and lifestyle after practicing this art. Studies suggest meditation activates specific areas of the brain that may influence heart and breathing rates.

On a physical level, meditation when done in the right way lowers high blood pressure, decreases the stages of blood lactate, reduces anxiety attacks and decreases many tension-related pain such as anxiety, headaches, ulcers, sleep disorders and joint problems.

Meditation brings a lot of mental benefits too. It makes the mind fresh, fragile and beautiful. With regular practice of meditation, your emotional stability and happiness improves, and the anxiety level decreases. Problems start looking smaller and you get complete peace of mind. Meditation sharpens the mind by gaining focus and develops through relaxation. It makes you aware your inner attitude determines your happiness. It brings a true personal transformation in an individual. As you start more to learn about yourself, you start to discover yourself. When you meditate, you are in the breathing space of immensity, serenity and joy. And this is what you emit into the environment, bringing synchronization to the creation.

Meditation is just like a seed. If you cultivate it with love, it will blossom more. The more you do it in the right manner, the better. Meditation centres are the best place where meditation and spirit teachings are taught in the best way. If you want to master this art, you should definitely join one of these centres.

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